

  1. What Makes a Good Recipe Book?
  2. Who’s It For?
  3. Rails Version
  4. Resources
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Tags and Thumbtabs

Part I—User Interface Recipes

  1. In-Place Form Editing 原地Ajax表单编辑
  2. Making Your Own JavaScript Helper 制作方便自己使用的JS生成方法
  3. Live Preview 实时编辑查看结果显示
  4. Live Search 实时搜索结果显示
  5. Creating a Drag-and-Drop Sortable List 创建可以拖动的排序列表
  6. Update Multiple Page Elements With One Ajax Request 通过一个Ajax请求更新多个页面的元素
  7. Lightning-Fast JavaScript Auto-completion 快速的JS自动补全
  8. Cheap and Easy Theme Support 页面主题变更支持
  9. Use Ajax To Trim Fat, Static Pages 利用Ajax修剪复杂的页面
  10. Smart Pluralization 通过工具实现I18N
  11. Debugging Ajax 调试Ajax
  12. Creating a Custom Form Builder 自定义表单生成
  13. Make Pretty Graphs 生成漂亮的图像

Part II—Database Recipes

  1. Rails Without A Database 不用DB
  2. Connecting to Multiple Databases 同时连接使用过个DB
  3. Integrating with Legacy Databases 集成废弃的DB
  4. DRY Up Your Database Configuration 做通用的DB配置
  5. Self-referential Many-to-Many Relationships Model自身的多对多关系实现
  6. Tagging 文本数据打Tag
  7. Versioning Your ActiveRecord Models 版本控制用户编辑的数据Model(类似于草稿)
  8. Convert an Existing Application to Migrations 对存在的应用做迁移
  9. Many to Many Relationships Where the Relationship Itself Has Data 多对多关系中,关系表中存在私有数据
  10. Polymorphic Associations - has_many :whatevers 一对多关系中同时对应多个Model
  11. Adding Behavior to Your ActiveRecord Associations 在关联中添加行为,方便在关联获取时添加搜索条件约束
  12. Dynamic Database Config 动态DB配置:类似于ERB
  13. Use ActiveRecord Outside of Rails 将ActiveRecord模型抽取出来单独使用
  14. Perform Calculations on Yor Model Data 检测Model的性能
  15. DRY Up Your ActiveRecord Code With Scoping 使Scoping不重复
  16. Make Dumb Data Smart with composed_of 将一个复杂的对象映射到DB表中的一个表项
  17. Safely Use Models in Migrations 在Model迁移中注意一致性

Part III—Controller Recipes

  1. Authentication 验证
  2. Role-Based Authorization 基于规则的验证
  3. Cleaning Up Controllers with Postback Actions 去掉冗余的action
  4. Keep An Eye On Your Session Expiry 注意session有效期
  5. Rendering Comma Separated Values From Your Actions 将返回数据格式化:Json, xml, cvs
  6. Make your URLs Meaningful (and pretty) 使URL有意义
  7. Stub Out Authentication 将验证作为过滤器的一部分
  8. Convert Your Sessions To ActiveRecord 将session放入DB
  9. Write Code That Writes Code 制作代码生成器
  10. Manage a Static Site With Rails 利用Rails管理静态网站

Part IV—Testing Recipes

  1. Creating Dynamic Test Fixtures 制作动态测试数据
  2. Extracting Test Fixtures From Live Data 从实际数据中抽取测试数据
  3. Testing Across Multiple Controllers 测试多请求访问
  4. Write Tests for Your Helpers 为辅助方法做测试

Part V—Big Picture Recipes

  1. Automating Development With Your Own Generators 制作自己的生成器
  2. Continuous Integration 持续集成
  3. Getting Notified of Unhandled Exceptions 捕获异常
  4. Creating Your Own Rake Tasks 制作自己的Rake任务
  5. Dealing With Time-zones 解决时区问题
  6. Living On The Edge (of Rails Development) 跟紧各种更新
  7. Syndicate Your Site With RSS 将数据RSS化
  8. Making Your Own Rails Plugins 制作自己的插件
  9. Secret URLs 带有验证信息的URL,需要在URL携带身份信息的处理方法
  10. Quickly Inspect Your Sessions’ Contents 访问本地的session保护
  11. Sharing Models Between Your Applications 通过链接等方式共享Model
  12. Generate Documentation For Your Application 利用Rdoc
  13. Processing Uploaded Images 处理上传的图片
  14. Easily Group Lists of Things 对List做处理的API
  15. Keeping Track of Who Did What 对信息做标注,记录操作用户
  16. Distributing Your Application As One Directory Tree 利用目录树机制实现应用的分布式
  17. Adding Support for Localization L10N
  18. The Console Is Your Friend 充分利用Console
  19. Automatically Save a Draft of a Form 自动表单保存
  20. Validating Non-ActiveRecord Objects 对非ActiveRecord对象做验证
  21. Easy HTML Whitelists 对HTML敏感字符做过滤
  22. Adding Simple Web Services To Your Actions 添加WebServices到Action

Part VI—E-Mail Recipes

  1. Send Gracefully Degrading Rich-Content Emails 发送富文本邮件(例如颜色什么的)
  2. Testing Incoming Email 检查收到的邮件
  3. Sending Email With Attachments 发送带有附件的邮件
  4. Handling Bounced Email 搜集邮件失败信息的反馈邮件

Part VII—Appendix

  1. Resources
    1. Bibliography
    2. Source Code